School tours are planned during Catholic Schools Week the end of January each year, but don't wait till then! Feel free to call the office at any time to set up a private tour and get a true feel for the high standard within in our school. From academics to fine arts to sports to respect and friendship, the students of St. William Catholic School are blessed with low class size, little to no teacher turnover, and a sense of community where truly, no child is left behind.
More information on each grade can be found in the "Teachers" tab dropdown menu on the menubar above.
Students in 5th-8th grades are eligible for Honor Roll status. Students who maintain an academic average of 3.5 or above achieve “High Honors”. “Honors” is for students who maintain an academic point average of 3.0 to 3.49.
Report cards are given every twelve weeks in Kdgn.-8th grade. Progress reports are sent home mid-term to all students in 3rd-8th grade. Grade checks for students in grades 5th-8th are done every two weeks to determine athletic eligibility. St. William Catholic School utilizes the TeacherEase grading program so parents have access to their child's grades electronically throughout the year.
Saint William Catholic School, following the Standardized Achievement Testing Program of the Diocese, administers the STAR Assessments to 3rd-8th graders in the fall.