The Following programs are established at St. William School for the purpose of raising funds for many school needs. Parent volunteers run these programs with complete support from staff and administration.
SCRIP is a fundraising program in which businesses nationwide sell certificates to the school at a discounted price. The school sells the the certificates at face value. SCRIP is available before and after school in the school lobby and after weekend masses in the Church Narthex. A master list of current SCRIP merchants is available in the school office.
Click here for SCRIP order forms that can be picked up at school
Receipts can be donated by anyone who shops at Sentry grocery stores. A percentage of each receipt is given to the Home and School Association. Receipts may be sent to school or put in the box in the church Narthex; also has a box at the store for collection. Volunteers help with adding and putting into bundles. Sentry receipts must have a sticker. Pick-n-Save also has a school donation program. You must sign up individually using your saver card.
Three Scoopie Nights per year are scheduled at the Court Street Culvers. Often these are divided among the grades for who's turn it is to sign up for volunteer slots serving at each of the four Scoopie Nights. Information for these as they are scheduled and as volunteers are needed is sent home in the Friday Folder as they approach.