In the interest of growing our music program within the school and the parish, St. William has decided to add a teen choir to sing during weekend masses! All students in grades 7-12, both from the school and within the parish community, are welcome and encouraged to join. This will not replace the children's choir! It is in addition to both the children's choir and the adult contemporary choir, and the 7th and 8th grade students are still needed to help lead the children's choir on their scheduled dates. We are hoping to sing a combination of traditional hymns, as well as more contemporary music, relevant to the young adults in our parish.
Our first mass will be Sunday, Dec. 3rd at 10:30 mass.
Rehearsal dates are as follows: October 23rd, November 6th and November 20th, from 3:45-5:00 in the church.
As a result of this addition, I will be taking charge of the Teen Choir, and our new music director, Claudia Broman, will head-up the Children's Choir. Please, e-mail me at [email protected] or [email protected], or Claudia at [email protected], with any questions or concerns about times, dates, getting rides, etc.
Rumor has it, there might be snacks and candy involved!
I hope to see many new, and familiar faces!!!
Peace and Harmony,
Mrs. Lentz